Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Way I See My Future Career in Journalism free essay sample

Journalism is so much more. The work of journalist consists of interviewing and attending events in all conditions in order to gather news and information for public interest. This is followed by further research into the background information then assessing suitability of reports and articles for public. The process is much more difficult than expected. As a person who is studying to become a journalist I can say that my future career as a journalist I see as a human rights journalist. I am very passionate about becoming human rights journalist and helping breech the gap between the public and real life events especially internationally. Because I live in a small country, to be a journalist and a successful one is very difficult. By choosing to be a human rights journalist, I want to help my fellow citizens to regain faith in the media. I want to push them to realize that journalists can change the situation in which we live. We will write a custom essay sample on The Way I See My Future Career in Journalism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Journalists are not strangers. Journalists are people who are living in this country and are facing the same problems. The future as this kind of journalist I imagine to be very diverse. I would like to travel to as many countries as I can report about the problems of my country. Also I would like to report about others countries problems to my country. I think reporters can be small ambassadors. A crucial goal in my life is making a difference, and I feel that a career in journalism would not only use my love of writing appropriately but also to do good in the world by exposing injustices otherwise overlooked. Also there are 5 very important skills a future journalist should possess: 1. Creative writing An advanced course in writing for students interested in producing original pieces of prose, fiction and verse. May be elected for up to six hours credit as topic changes. If you are becoming an journalist most important thing is to know how to write proper. You can be a journalist if you don’t know to speak in a certain language. The best journalist write simple, direct Macedonian, generally preferring short words to long ones. 2. Writing for the Mass Media Students study basic techniques and formats used in print and broadcast journalism, along with similarities and differences in style among them. Grammar, syntax accuracy, logical construction, and other elements of good writing are emphasized, along with learning to write, under deadline pressure, basic, error – free copy. Additional emphasis on keeping up with current events and trends in the world through improved research skills. As I said before when you write and you expect someone to read your article, you should effort yourself the text to be best as it can be. People want to read well written news, well packed, easy to understand. If you are to complicated and boring well than you are not a very good journalist I may say. Try to be as simple as you can but don’t forget to sound educated. 3. Advanced photography Art 218 or Instructor’s approval. A continuation of the study of basic photography as an art form, focusing upon composition, printing, lighting design, and studio photography. Students furnish their own adjustable cameras and supplies. With weekly critique sessions. Sometimes when you write and article it need to be accompanied with pictures. Your text need to be according the pictures. There is a saying that says:† One picture – thousands words†. This is actually true in a way. If we are painting a picture with our words than if we have the actual photos why our writing shouldn’t be a photo more. 4. Advertising and Public Relations This course surveys the related fields of advertising and public relations and examines their role in contemporary society. Topics include history, law, ethics, social dynamics, and economic implications as well as creative and technical elements of the advertising and public relations campaign. The process of advertising and public relations is studied from the perspectives of art, business, and communication. A journalist should have knowledge of everything. You sometimes need to an artist, a lawyer, businessman, a prisoner all of different people. You should put yourself in different shoes all the time. If you can manage to be objective in every article that you write than the public will appreciated your afford and will recognize you as a nonbiased reporter/journalist. 5. Seminar in Film and Television Studies An analysis of cinema or television as aesthetic forms and social documents, usually with and emphasis on American and European film or television. Recent topics have included: â€Å"Masculinity and femininity in film†. â€Å"Film and literature† and â€Å"Television Studies†. May be elected for up to six hours credit as topic changes. It’s important to have some experience in the movie business. Today films are very important cultural events. A premier of a film is always a big event. Reporting about the movie can be as hard as reporting from a war. If you are making your personal observation of the movie and how you feel it when you watch it, well that’s a bit biased and it is not good journalism. You need to be well informed about the whole process of the making of the movie and what it meant for all the participants in the process. The movie production nowadays is becoming bigger and bigger. Being a movie reporter can be as important as being let’s say a TV presenter. So keep in mind journalism is a wide sectors of opportunities. FINDING YOUR FIRST JOB 1. Research 2. Enthusiasm 3. Energy 4. Planning 5. Research 6. Preparation When you are searching for your first job it is hard to know what you want from the work and the working environment. In your search for the most suitable work for you it is very important to do research about the possibilities that are offered and which of them are matching your capabilities. After they give you the job, we should posses enthusiasm to make one of the most important steps in our life, but also enough positive energy to fight with every day challenges at our work place. Every day should be well planed because only than we can work most efficiently. In the process of planning the schedule we can include research also. Once our schedule is planned, follows the preparation process which always has to be through. I think this are the important things when we search for a job and the activities after we find the job. vo slucaj da ti pritreba esej za nekoj od tekstovite so se vo vtoriot del od ucebnikot ti napisav eden spored cekorite koi se nudat vo knigata mozis da go iskoristis I kako finalen proekt. Types of journalism In my opinion, everything you do count. In a profession like journalism it is not only about the TV presenters. In fact I think they are the least important. When people think about journalism first thing that pop ups their mind are the magazines, radio or TV broadcasting. In the world of journalism the ground-troops are: researchers, sub-editors, production staff, photographers, picture editors, cartoonists, gossip columnists and more. There is more to the job of journalist that you are aware of. It is a job in which you can get killed, if you are a war reporter, you can become a Pulitzer winning reporter if you discover amazing story, one of the most recognizable faces in the world if you are good host. As you can see it’s a very hard and demanding job. The national union of journalists represents number of disciplines. We have the local and national newspapers, national and local news agencies, freelancing and casual work, magazines and periodicals, book publishing, press and public relations, radio and television, on line and new media. Each of these groups is important part of the journalism. They all have impact to the world through their jobs. Men and women working together side by side, making the world more interesting, searching the truth and reveling it, inform us about everything. Now the news is available like never before. The rapidly expanding field of online journalism presents even more challenges. The people are bombarded with news everywhere they go. It is a new era of journalism. The conclusion is that even with all this type of journalism, every day we are facing with new challenges. Although we have a wide variety of journalism jobs, how the time pass we are in the need of new branches every once in a while.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Writing for the Health Markets

Writing for the Health Markets In case you had not noticed, America is getting older. And while that might cause alarm for some people, for freelance writers, it is time to dance a jig. Why? Because with the so-called graying of America, the opportunity to write for health markets has exploded and reached an all-time high. And it will continue to grow and grow and grow. Here are five  tips to keep in mind when writing for the health markets: Find the latest health and fitness news. Think like an editor, who is always trying to think like a reader. What is happening in the world of health and fitness, and why is it newsworthy? Find a timely topic in the health world, and you are one step closer to landing an assignment. There are thousands of websites that are devoted to health and fitness information. A good place to start is the Federal Governments own site, the National Institutes of Health. Visit them at and youll find every health topic and late breaking bulletin there is. Target your audience. Know the audience of the magazine, newsletter or website, and your job as a health writer will be a lot easier. For example, does this publication like to include a lot of statistics and facts, or is it looking for more of the human side of the story? Read back issues, study the writers guidelines, and youll do fine. Know where to find statistics and facts. As a freelance health writer, you need to know how to research the basic health facts and statistics. Compile a list of reference books, directories (including online sources) and other health materials. A good place to start is a local university or college library. Or better yet, check with your local hospital; many times, they will have a health library that is open to the public. You wont find a better source of reference materials anywhere. Know where to get good quotes from doctors. If you have not yet visited, then take a few moments and do so. It has the worlds largest group of experts in every field, and they are just waiting to answer your questions. Need a quote from a dentist? Go to ProfNet; need a quote from a heart surgeon? Go to Profnet. Dont write like a doctor. Unless you are a doctor, that is. But even if you are a doctor, remember that you are writing for a general consumer market (unless you are writing for a medical journal!). Dont use 18 letter words when shorter ones will work just as well. Read other general consumer health materials as a guide. Here are a few health markets that are actively seeking new articles: Health Central Find them online at I recently sold two articles to them at $150 for 500 words. Everyday Health Find them online at Last year I wrote four articles for them at $350 for 600 words. When searching for new markets to sell health articles, dont forget to check out health and medical associations.   You can find lots of links right here: Many associations use freelance writers on a regular basis.   A few years ago the American Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) hired me to update a Medicare manual.   Although the work was a little boring, it did pay nearly $6,000.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Women's struggle during the harlem renaissance to modern times Essay

Women's struggle during the harlem renaissance to modern times depicted through literature - Essay Example This identity emerged as a result of mass immigration from the Southern states to the cities of the north such as New York, Chicago and Washington D.C. â€Å"The Great Migration† (Rau, 7) was due to the fact that even after the emancipation of the African-American slaves in 1863, the blacks suffered from segregation. The prevailing of social inequality in the Southern states and the growth of industries in the north were vital in the shifting of the ex-slaves to the New York City. It became the city of dreams, a place to uplift their positions. However for the women whether black or white â€Å"were expected to stay home and care for their families† (McKissack, 5). The situation of black women were worsened as they found it harder to get admission into colleges and had to resort to chores like â€Å"doing laundry, waiting tables, or being a nanny† (McKissack, 6). In this context, the Harlem Renaissance gave women the platform to express themselves. It is said that the â€Å"writers of the Harlem Renaissance occupy a crucial place in the history of the Afro-American Literature for the high artistic qualities† (Bloom, 223) as we find in Jean Toomer’s Cane and Nella Narsen’s Quicksand. In Cane, Toomer has shown the plight of Becky, a white woman who is treated as an outcaste for having two children by a black man but Karintha, a black woman is depicted as a woman admired by all. This novel claims to establish the supremacy of the black women over white. Quicksand is an autobiographical novel. Larsen is a child to a white mother and a black father. Therefore, in this novel she is able to depict the contradictions of living as a black woman in a society dominated by white ideology. It is a discourse on the prejudice of the white sentiment and their allegation to black women who possess inherent lasciviousness. The protagonist, Helga Crane represses her sexual desire as she fears that it may confirm to the stere otype notion about blacks as savage and